Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010


The after pictures of my empty room at ELON are coming, but, um... I'm not done packing! Snowed in at DUKE now whodathunk, I guess I'll just have to relaxxx and hear the crazy stories from SHOOTERS and my sister's "babies" (I love this). The snow-gasmic weather out there that will possibly affect my flight out, on the other hand, is making me more nervous about LONDON. This is pretty much how I feel...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Where Do I Begin?

TODAY IS THE BIG DAY! I'm starting to pack, but I don't know WHERE TO BEGIN. Here's the room before. Besides my Elon blanket, I think I'll miss Brad, George and Matt the most about this room.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's Been Real, Elon

Guess what... you'll never guess.
I'm going to LONDON.
These next few weeks are going to be huge. This week is the last of Elon's and next week is London's first. I hope I can get my act together considering I haven't packed. Anything. Stop judging. Today is our "final exam" in Psychology of Film. I love this class because Vrinda (da professa) is so sweet and so are the students. They're the type of students who all collectively say "bless you" after you sneeze. For our final, we did a montage of Remember the Titans (go Rams, beat the Titans), Blind Side, The Express and Invictus. It's a trailer about prejudice and how film uses extremes of stereotypes... (TA DA! There are five presentations left, but there might as well be a million. I can't wait to be done with class, obviously, I'm a student... in America, but the end of this class means the beginning of real life. Real life that involves facing today. Today, I need to pack. More than anything, I do. It's just going to be hard to because I'm lacking serious energy. [I can't even focus in class. Thank God for BlogSpot!] I haven't been sleeping well and that might be due to the fact that I'm going to freaking London in 6 days. I remember when it was 60 days away. Weird. I'm clearly nervous and if I've spoken to you about London, you know how I feel about it. Four presentations left now. I'm just so anxious to go, but I can't decide if I'm more nervous or if I'm more excited. Today is also hard because its the nine month anniversary of Ryan's death. Its the best weather we've had all month, but it feels like its raining. I'm fine- absolutely, but this anniversary just reminds me of my friend and how much I miss him and this knot in my throat doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Blogging I thought was silly at first, but it's allowing me to open up about things I don't really talk about. Thanks for being here :)
Sorry I got sidetracked, more about London. Morgan and I will be rooming together and I feel so fortunate. Two presentations left. She's so, so fun and we joke about how "we're never going to make it back to the states" except, really, we're never going to make it back to the states especially because of the way we've been acting lately... just ask the waiters at Monterrey. Elon has been real this year. One of the best semesters at Elon and best months of my life. I've just recently been more patient about everything while at the same time standing up for myself more and I think that's a big part of how much I've grown up in '09. I also have sick, sick friends I feel I don't deserve. Though its hard to have my best friends at different colleges, the ones I have here are such wonderful company. I'm very appreciative of you.

It's been real, Elon. Thanks for the memories.
Last presentation... I gotta go.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


5:15- 6:15- Teaching Fellow Sem- EDU 281

9:30- 10:30- The Culture of Rock: The Beatles!- GST 356
10:45- 12:15- London Theatre I- ENG 357

10:00- 2:00- Art in London- FNA 313

9:30-12:30- The Culture of Rock: The Beatles!- GST 356

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


^ That's where you'll find me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Study Abroad Essay

Preparation. Finals and papers and presentations, oh my. My life was becoming clouded with assignments asked of me. With so many hours of work ahead, I was preparing myself to permanently reside in Belk Library for the remainder of the year. Third floor’s quiet confidentiality allowed my stress to be anonymous. Its quietness paired with its huge, white chairs compliments my attempts at studying just right. “Starting Sunday,” I promised myself, “it’s Belk time.”

By the third missed call I received on that Sunday morning before one of the last weeks of the semester, I put my phone on silent so I could squeeze out the last bit of sleep I could enjoy before this promised “Belk time.”

Finally calling Kelley back, I thought we were going to talk about preparing another visit to Virginia Tech University to see Ryan yet again. We were always talking about that because our first visit was just so much fun. I can’t believe Ryan actually convinced us keeping ESPN on was actually a relaxing way to fall asleep. I should have gotten him back by saying it was tradition to clean your host’s room when visiting Elon University. This would have stood for another perk of his visit. Kelley’s shaky voice on the other line when she picked up changed my mind, though. We were preparing another type of visit.

Preparation. I’ve been preparing myself for situations all my life. Preparing for college was the most difficult. I always put a lot of emphasis on leadership opportunities in high school- becoming Secretary then President of Spanish Honor Society was a great one. Editor- in- Chief of the Yearbook for two years and Student Government Association were other opportunities I realized and valued. One of the greatest efforts I put into preparing myself for something was fixing my class schedule and lifestyle to fit that of an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate. A challenging course based on academic rigor and global compassion, I spent my entire high school life preparing for a successful, collegiate, “real” one.

This diploma plunged me into a global awareness. Having my history and science papers sent off to Rome or London or Switzerland for grading, I’ve been accepting the values of education of other countries my entire academic career. Under this diploma, my membership of extracurricular activities followed. Having the opportunity to complete a combined total of 150 hours of creative, academic and service activities, I started seeing the worth in being a prepared person in as many situations as possible.

Over the summer before coming to Elon University, I started unpacking my luggage full of promise. I was named the first National Teaching Fellow. My preparation in high school, I will always believe, did a wealth of good in my life. Being an involved, aware student set me up for this humbling honor and I cherish it greatly.

Preparation. I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. Applying to eight colleges, I put down different majors to each- journalism, education, political science and on. I left it up to fate to decide from these because I figured whichever major was to be my defense would be made by whichever university I chose to be my offence.

When applying to Elon University, I landed on education. I always did enjoy teaching my cousins to tie their shoes. When interviewed to be a National Teaching Fellow, I thanked my preparation.

Preparation. Here I stand as an International Baccalaureate Diploma graduate and National Teaching Fellow due to preparation and many answered prayers. Extending my elementary education major, studying abroad became available. London, I knew, was supposed to be my experience.

London is home to my history, future and educators that graded my high school papers. It’s full of untapped life and underrated opportunities. Ancient and gothic, the capital of the United Kingdom still attracts fond people. It intrigues me to know this European country is so different from that of the United States, architecturally and socially, even though we speak the same language.

As a major global city, London has been marked as a high investor in fashion, business and education. Education is where (ding, ding, ding) my attention sparks. Studying on a campus in proximity to the Tower of London, Palace of Westminster and St. Margaret’s Church, how will I go wrong? I’m preparing myself to do well. Representing all that I have become, I’ll find my own third floor Belk Library to get grades that proved I learned. I also plan to contribute to its community through service as well as tour the city, country and on. As a National Teaching Fellow, I may even go back to teach.

The purpose of this essay is to prove I am capable for a complete London experience and to extend Elon University’s values, beliefs and energy. I’ve prepared myself for this journey through international experience to countries including my mother’s native land of El Salvador as well as by perfecting my father’s Afghan energy. Experience and energy are tools, I consider, that will enhance my very possible, exciting experience.

I also write this essay to prove, though I’ve studied hard and been fortunate enough to receive wonderful opportunities such as the International Baccalaureate program and Teaching Fellows, I cannot prepare myself for absolutely every situation I will encounter.

When Kelley told me Ryan died on that Sunday morning, I lost my balance and myself. Three days of living a whispered life, I laughed for the first time today. Ryan was my best friend and he helped me through a lot. I think about him all the time now and this essay is not an exception. I thank him for humbling myself to understand that there are situations and times that you will be unprepared for. London, therefore, will have an open minded and hopeful hearted me.

I will not take the opportunity for granted.

I will extend my educational philosophy and values.

I will enhance my education through international study.

I will meet and love new people.

Most importantly, I will be able to look forward to something I wholeheartedly believe as being a great opportunity.

I can’t wait to one day tell Ryan how amazing the experience was and how much he kept helping me.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blogstituting Myself

Here it is.

An idea I've been playing around with since November, I'm officially a member of Blog Spot!
...I even have my own URL name
-a nickname meant for shouting-
Good job on the name, padres.
By the way, saddest text I've ever received from my mother two weeks ago...
"I miss you and your calls."
Te amo, Mami!

I've got to say, though, JAZIMI! is better than most of the nicknames I've developed in college. I mean, who wants to be called Jasamort for the rest of her life?
To be fair I was being cranky that morning, but Voldemort is hardly a character I relate too. I mean, look at his shoes.

In hopes of keeping my family, my friends and, you know, the World Wide Web aware of my life- Blog Spots is my new black. You'll get many, many updates on my journey to, during and after my ELON EXPERIENCE IN LONDON.
For clarity: London, England... not London, Minnesota.

As my firstest entry ever, there is not much to say. We're all just watching FRIENDS! (Yes, a show meant for shouting) because Emily has all the seasons.
It is the "See? He's her lobster" episode.
Aw, Lindsey, don't cry. It's not real :)

Besides finding out Emily/ Bacon Breath/ Pee-Pee Pants (oopsies) has two favorite stars in the sky, today has been rather uneventful.
Minus celebrating MLK Day with FOTIES.
Classy, right?

Jasamort, I mean JAZIMI!