A drinking school with a football problem, #Morgan and I were up for the challenge.
Morgan and I geared for the "i-have-so-much-work-to-do-that-I-probably-should-not-be-going-to-Auburn-but-screw-it" weekend by piling clothes and pillows and music into the car. Our start to the trip was enlightening. Placing my grapes on the top of my car for the trip, I forgot they were up there until a skaterdude stopped me at the light and handed them to me.
We finally got to Auburn late and we sure acted like it was late. Straight to bed after a few hits of some gregarious conversation, Morgan and I cuddle until we fell asleep. OK, we didn't.
The next day, not adjusted to the time difference, Morgan and I were up at 7AM. WAY UP. Back to bed for a few hours, soon enough, we found ourselves decked in Auburn pride at 1716. A bar named after a close game Auburn won against Alabama where the final score was 17-16, the bar was named. We were one of the first ones, so we got a seat at the bar and started proving we (and Katie Bradley) were 21 years old.
Long, crazy story short: Auburn won. We walked to a cafeteria to run some trains on some chicken fingers and later were driven back to Kellyn's house where my blink for a nap did enough to kinda-sorta wake me up.
A quick shower and it was time for round 2 of 1716. Between waking up at 7AM and this second bar round, I saw Danny, Anthony, Jackie, Jessica, randomly Vince (later Jay), and met the very cool Luke and Kelsey. Auburn is so nice. Round 2 came and we got in because Kelsey knew Mario Number21. We met some cool people and had a great time. That night really taught me a lot about where I am as a person and how I am with new and old friends.
We roadtripped back on Sunday. It didn't feel as long of a trip as going to Auburn- maybe because we were anticipating the arrival.
I know I'm going to look back on this experience and look at this post to remember the lessons I learned- especially those lessons I learned my last night at Auburn.
Thanks Kellyn and Alabama for a damn good time.
War Eagle!
The game and the experiences were all...
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