Thursday, February 18, 2010

China Makes Me Tired

The Winter Olympics are here... well, they've been here for awhile, but with this time difference, I've finally been able to catch a good sport on television! Don't get me wrong, CURLING has its benefits, but there is just so much tight-shirted 50 year old, yelling men I can take in one night. Sean White is my jam right now, though. Just saw him deserve his GOLD metal. It feels good to be an American, let me tell you.
This week has been extremely hectic- especially with the late nights and early mornings. Yesterday, I went to the National Gallery and saw a b-load of Monet, Van Gogh pre and post ear. Today we had our Beatles presentation on the album "A Hard Day's Night" (ask me anything about the album, I'll tell ya!) Also, we watched "A Hard Day's Night"... the first seven seconds are my favorite. Morgan knows why! That's right, she may or may not have broken her nose Tuesday night after an accidental face plant at the bus stop. Pray for her, will you? Besides curling, Sean White, the Beatles and face planting, we've been looking up places to go for Spring Break! Woot. Greece, here we come!

I think I'm going to read Alice In Wonderland and take a nap. I love short track speed skating, but not when its freaking China.

1 comment:

  1. What a hard life! Ireland and now Greece.

    Remember sister is coming March 7-13 plan accordingly.

    Do you need money to make the reservations for Greece? Please let me know... Love you baby girl;)
