Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's Missing?

1. Crushed Red Pepper

2. Meal Plans... swipe. swipe. swipe.
3. Texting

4. 40 mile drive to see X
5. Driving
6. Customer service
7. Not having to beg for the check after dining
8. Texting
9. Free internet
10. American accents
11. Waiters understanding what "can you split the check between all of us?" means
12. Texting
13. TV shows and not Gilmore Girls, my goodness

14. Downstairs Collonnades
15. Texting
16. Using my credit card, not cash, for everything

17. American portions for food & drinks

18. Ice

Monday, February 22, 2010

How Do Cows Make Babies?

Today was my first day at Wilberstone Primary School and talk about the most adorable Year 5 students in London. Okay, okay, I still don’t know their names, but can you blame me? The only name remotely recognizable was Ahoub because it kinda sorta sounded like Abe. The diversity is like nowhere I’ve been. The “Welcome” signs and “Office” signs had Arabic and Bengali translations under it. Five out of the 25 students (both boys and girls) were wearing head wraps. Also, there was one white person, one. Different, isn’t it? Like I mentioned in a blog before, they call erasers “rubbers.” Imagine how funny it was hearing kids saying, “hey, you’ve grabbed six rubbers already, what in the world are you doing over there?” or “can I use your rubber when you're done.” What a laugh out loud momento. The day started at 9AM, but we were there at around 8:30AM. (Kara Schillings and I are “we,” by the way). The two biggest differences between American and English culture in the classroom are: One. Students in England do not get held back in schools even if they don’t meet specific benchmarks (nope, no summer school here!). That means there are students of all different levels of intelligence/ comprehension/ literacy/ etc in the same classroom. For those “falling behind,” they have adults in the classroom helping them out, personally. Second thing that’s different: the breaks the teachers get from their kids. America- teachers eat lunch, go to recess, all that jazz with their students. In da UK, there are other admin who take care of your students when you’re on a 15-20 minute break in the morning at 10:30AM and then again at 12 for your glorious HOUR long lunch break. In twenty minutes “we” plus Breez/ Breezy/ Bhriel are heading off to class… its our Teaching Fellows seminar. I’m very curious to hear the stories of the gals! After class, there’s more! ...but GOOD more! I’m in that theatre class on Tuesdays and tonight we’re going to see “Six Degrees of Separation.” I’m anticipating this play like whoa. It’ll have a lot of America in it too! Today, I found myself answering every SINGLE question asked of me just to hear my own American accent- you really miss it. When we pass people in the streets speaking with that nostalgic accent, my heartstrings pluck. ß What a queer line, huh? So that is my busy day. I also want to share some hilarious quotes the students in Andy’s Year 5 class said today. Also. Weird. The students call their teachers by their first names, hence, them calling their teacher Andy:

“Jasmine. You’re from America? Are you friends with Hannah Montana?”

“How do cows make babies?”

“Andy! We was talking about cows making babies, but now he brought up ladies and men!”

“In a beauty salon, they had free internet and there was S.E.X on it!”

“Ew, don’t be spelling it out!”

“It was disgusting. Blehh”

Forever Young,


Friday, February 19, 2010

"Mawmaw" Reminded Me To Blog

I'm here in my room! It's 10: 38... 39, and Morgan and I are taking it easy :)
She's sick and I hope she's getting better! Those mashed potatoes I made her aren't going anywhere either... She's skyping her fun fam back in North Carolina including her sweet, sweet grandmother (aka "Mawmaw") and Mawmaw is encouraging her to blog more because, "people who are following you are a little disappointed." Haha.

Today was eventful, thankfully. Bhriel, Meg and I went exploring via the Harry Potter fan express (aka our poor feet). Me? A fan? Not really, but seeing Platform 9 3/4 was just as cool as I was expecting.

It was where Ar'y Pot'ah or was it that ginger, Ron Weasley who got to that place from Platform 9 3/4... (I can just hear my Harry Potter fan friends going crazy because I'm not exactly sure what the platform means). After that, we went to the London Bridge tube stop and explored the redonk markets (food galore!). I'm adding it to the list of things to show Xtina when she comes in TWO frackin' weeks. We also stopped by Primark and H&M, the loves of my life. I come back home to a poor weakling- Morgy. Dr. Frontani wants to check on her so he comes by to make sure she shouldn't be hospitalized. Realizing she doesn't need to be, he leaves and Morgan and I just chill.
Hmm... what else have we done tonight? We watched Tiger Woods' press conference on YouTube (shout out to the stellar YouTube makers- you take boring out of my vocabulary), had a miniparty in our common room, skyped with my sister AND Emilayyy. Everyone just left to go out to Londontown too.

10: 47PM now.

Love you Mami & Papi :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

China Makes Me Tired

The Winter Olympics are here... well, they've been here for awhile, but with this time difference, I've finally been able to catch a good sport on television! Don't get me wrong, CURLING has its benefits, but there is just so much tight-shirted 50 year old, yelling men I can take in one night. Sean White is my jam right now, though. Just saw him deserve his GOLD metal. It feels good to be an American, let me tell you.
This week has been extremely hectic- especially with the late nights and early mornings. Yesterday, I went to the National Gallery and saw a b-load of Monet, Van Gogh pre and post ear. Today we had our Beatles presentation on the album "A Hard Day's Night" (ask me anything about the album, I'll tell ya!) Also, we watched "A Hard Day's Night"... the first seven seconds are my favorite. Morgan knows why! That's right, she may or may not have broken her nose Tuesday night after an accidental face plant at the bus stop. Pray for her, will you? Besides curling, Sean White, the Beatles and face planting, we've been looking up places to go for Spring Break! Woot. Greece, here we come!

I think I'm going to read Alice In Wonderland and take a nap. I love short track speed skating, but not when its freaking China.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Call Your Mother

_Sing in the shower

_treat everyone you meet the way you want to be treated

_watch a sunrise at least once a year

_leave the toilet seat in the down position

_never refuse homemade brownies

_strive for excellence, not perfection

_plant a tree on your birthday

_learn three clean jokes

_return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full

_compliment three people every day

_never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them

_leave everything a little better than you found it

_keep it simple

_think big thoughts but relish small pleasures

_become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know

_floss your teeth

_ask for a raise when you feel you've earned it

_be forgiving of yourself and others

_overtip breakfast waitresses

_say "thank you" a lot

_say "please" a lot

_avoid negative people

_buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards

_wear polished shoes

_remember other people's birthdays

_commit yourself to constant improvement

_carry jumper cables in your trunk

_have a firm handshake

_send lots of valentine cards. sign them "someone who thinks your terrific"

_look people in the eye

_be the first to say "hello"

_use the good silver

_return all things borrowed

_make new friends but cherish the old ones

_keep secrets

_sing in a choir

_plant flowers every spring

_have a dog

_always accept an outstretched hand

_stop blaming others

_take responsibility for every area of your life

_wave at kids on school buses

_be there when people need you

_feed a stranger's expired parking meter

_don't expect life to be fair

_never underestimate the power of love

_Drink champagne for no reason at all

_life your life as an exclamation, not an explanation

_don't be afraid to say "i made a mistake"

_don't be afraid to say "i don't know"

_compliment even small improvements

_keep your promises (no matter what)

_marry only for love

_rekindle old friendships

_count your blessings

_call your mother

Thursday, February 11, 2010


What a life.

With every second and every oyster card swipe, London is starting to convince me of a fast- paced, busy lifestyle. I always did think black was my color. Starting classes this week, however, is a bit... yes, annoying. Monday was the Teaching Fellows seminar- nothing but an overview of what we'll be doing as far as teaching here goes. Observing and helping out in a nearby primary (aka elementary) school, I'm excited to start. Primary isn't the only British jargon we're getting used to. Prawns are shrimp, pants are underwear, loo/ lu/ luu is restroom, football is soccer...

Tuesday we had more school. The Beatles class came before theatre. At the early time of 9AM (is there even a 9AM on weekends?), we all crammed onto the tube and into our tiny Anglo- American classroom. I don't think I officially opened my eyes until 10AM, though... I know I didn't get the numbness in my hands and toes from the cold weather back until about 12 30PM (when I got out of class). The Beatles class... not as excited I was before. I'm stoked to learn their influence and their songs and how they've affected history, but with all the work Dr Frantoni is assigning, oh boy... At least he's not assigning the 20-25 page research paper he usually does for the course any more. Today we went to the Imperial History Museum...

We were to look at the Blitz and the Second World War- how it relates to the Beatles? Ask me on Tuesday. By Tuesday, however, we're supposed to write a 4-7 page paper on just that: how the Beatles and the Blitz/ WWII are related. Wish me luck.

The theatre class is promising. Going to see many plays all around London is spectacular. Christina (my saucy sista) will be joining in on two of them when she comes in a month! The first play is Monday called "11 & 12"... woohoo?

Tuesday night we all went out. At the overwhelmingly humungo Sports Cafe, we got in free because it was "college night." We walked in bundled up in our jackets with an open mind for a fun time, we walked out with a phone. Long story. Short version: we made friends. They asked how we could get in touch with them and because facebook apparently isn't possible and neither Morgan or I have a phone here- they gave us their phone...

Still don't know how we're going to work this out...

Wednesday was yesterday. It was Taylor's first birthday as a non-teenage adultish person and the first Art History class. Art History should be... fun. (Fun meaning my feelings are still mixed). The art museums are going to rock and our final is to come up with our own exhibit, so that is so excited. I only have that class once a week and its my only one on Wednesdays. Though I envied Morgan when I got up early to get to class while she slept in because she doesn't have class, I managed to get through the day. Later on, Morgan and I desperately needed to get school-related things so we recruited Bhriel and headed off to Rymans... the mecca of school supplies. It was a few tube stops away, but guess what. WE FOUND IT. Coming home, we stopped by a supermarket and we grabbed a rotisserie chicken and some spicy, Mexican rice for dinner later on. Coming back and heating everything up, I was full in second. By the way, cutting a chicken- not so easy. Being Taylor's birthday and our normal, daily routine, we went upstairs to the TF (teaching fellows) flat to chillax and have some cake in celebration. Taylor's boyfriend made a not so surprise visit for her birthday because he's been in Scotland? Sweden? Switzerland? of those S'... He took her out for dinner so we waited on them to get back and ate the chocolate cake & the cheesecake. After making Jacob (Tay Bay Bay's boyfriend) try a funny chair trick (I'll explain later), we all hung out more + Russel, Taylor boy, Jeff and Delvin for a bit.

Russel and Taylor are both juniors at Elon- super cool, as Jeff is another teaching fellow. Delvin. Well, what do I say about Delvin. He's a senior. He's a character- literally. His real name is Dylan, but he doesn't look like one. Rather, he looks like a Melvin, but also like the cartoon character Dilbert. Melvin + Dilbert = Delvin.

This is Delvin.

Wow this is a long post.

After "celebrating" quietly, we all departed and went to bed. Today was the museum trip and because I'm not in that history class, I'm here alone- how sad. I never realized how much time Morgan and I spend together until she's not here. It's kind of weird... I feel like somethings missing right now. Wait I hear someone at the door. OOp, not her.

Today, I'm excited! We're truly celebrating Taylor's birthday because no one has class Fridays. We're doing a fettuccini alfredo dinner with salad, love and dessert. Morgan and I are in charge of dessert.

OK the chair trick we made Taylor's boyfriend do. Women and men have different "centers of gravity" on their bodies. For women, its their hips and for men: their shoulders. If A MALE puts a chair against a wall, bends over, picks up the chair and bends back up all while he's arm's length away from a wall- he can't do it. FEMALES, piece of cake.

ONE very cool thing: My roomie EMILY STRICKLAND (miss you!) told me something so interesting. Her sister in law, Lauren, who was also an Elon Teaching Fellow came to London when she was a sophomore. She stayed in the same flat, in the same room and the same BED as I am now. Can fate be any less obvious?

PS I miss my parents and my sis. Christina and I have been skyping like whoa, but I still miss that crazy girl. My mom, before I left gave me an adorable Beanie Baby of the month "November" because both our birthdays are in the topaz month of November.

I keep it by me everyday!

Miss my dad a lot too! His random, horribly misspelled texts- who couldn't miss that!

And, obviously, the Danieley girls, I miss you too :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Excuse Me, Where Can We Watch the SUPERBOWL

Taking the Underground just about everywhere in London, the only place we were directed to was "Sports Cafe" to watch the SUPERBOWL. It's the SUPERBOWL. I guess I never realized how far I am from the US until tonight. Just like every other proud American, I made the time to watch the majority of the game despite the 2:21AM time it is right now. Morgan and I, like usual, spent two minutes in our flat today. After an early morning of cleaning the entire kitchen and common room because, apparently, our flat is the pregame flat (which is fine with us, cleaning is just a necessity) haha, we strutted our way to Primark, the go-to clothing store for great deals. After that, we made tacos with the beautiful girls of Flat F, got to know each other even more (if you can believe it!) and that's when this "excuse me, where can we watch the SUPERBOWL" fiasco began. Getting ready in a minute, Morgan and I threw clothes on (yes the new ones we got at Primark) to hit the streets of London in hopes of finding a sports bar playing the game. Of course, Londoners end their nights early so everywhere except for Sports Cafe was closed. The reason why Sports Cafe was a turn off was because there was a 15 pound cover and a huge line to go in. As Americans, we simply felt it was a right of ours to watch that God given game for free. We came back to the flats and watched it on the small 19 inch screen in the boy's suite. Though there weren't any commercials (my favorite part of the SUPERBOWL, besides the chili and corn bread of course), it was still great fun!
Emily (my hot roomie!) told me she got a new roommate! A hamster named Luna. I wish it wasn't so easy to replace me... just kidding! I can't wait to meet her.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sleep, Where Have You Gone?

Still not used to this 5 hour difference, days and hours are starting to run into each other. Though every morning, Morgan & I wake up exhausted- we still don't go to bed early... even if we are just hanging out with the other Teaching Fellows! We've all been bonding so much!

This morning was the earliest morning... 8:45AM was the beginning of the bus tour around London. This time, we saw more historic, glamorous places such as the Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, London Bridge and London Tower Bridge.
London Eye:
London Bridge:
London Tower Bridge:
It's only 3PM now, so there is much more to the day including finally going out and experiencing the night life of London. With all the Teaching Fellows, we're all going to bond even more.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hi, London

Hi Family and Friends!
London, my goodness is remarkable. It's full of people, activities and scarves.
Monday was a bit overwhelming. Knowing we would be waking up in London was exciting and so real. The airport was our last United States site.

The first day (Tuesday) was the busy day. After traveling and getting on our Mercedes van, we got here! A sweet flat in central London, we're beginning to call home...
Despite our RAT in the kitchen, who we so bitterly call Finnegan, we're comfortable and safe. Of course we are hesitant to go into the kitchen because of him. With every entry we always say, "now Finnegan, I'm just getting a sandwich. Please, stay under the sink." Refusing to go into the kitchen and all these walking tours... hello New Years resolution plan.
Like I mentioned, we've been walking, walking, walking. Our first tour was around London. We saw museums and parks... got used to standing right and walking left... as well as see the beauty of London. Walking, I thought, is the best way to get to know the city. With the buses and taxis passing, the heels and cell phones ringing- London is definitely in the walking.

Last night (Thursday), Morgan and I went to a beautiful pub that is owned by Gordon Ramsay- you know Hell's Kitchen head chef... that bossy old bloke.

The pub was called "The Warrington." Trying to fit in, Morgan and I ordered Cider with Fish and Chips. Look left, then right, it was obvious we weren't doing that great of a job fitting in, though, considering our accents and our jeans. You should have seen the people who went to The Warrington- they'd be able to make their pounds rain, if you know what I mean. Here is us at the pub.

Our next two walking tours were today (Friday). They were all about the BEATLES. Even if you're not their biggest fan, you would've become one by the end of the tours. Our hyperactive tour guide's accent detailed the Beatles' influence on the city so perfectly. The bee-uhls (thats "English" for Beatles) have done so much. Of course, my favorite part of the trip was seeing "Abbey Road" that is known for the road the Beatles used as their album cover.

Beatles album cover:

English boys copying:

Morgan and I walking on it:
By Abbey Road was, obviously, Abbey Studio. In front of the studio was a fence where you can write your love for the Beatles/ anything you'd like on it.

There, Morgan and I wrote our names & the date...

Next to our marking, my favorite was this one:
It says, "Thanks for the music!"

We're back from a heavy day of walking, now. Morgan's all curled up! The great thing about keeping busy is you forget just how uncomfortable the beds are here because you're just aching for rest!
I'll update you more ASAP :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For Mami & Papi

I'm here and safe!
It's 11:30ish here. Weird.

Love you very much. I have 1998 minutes left for internet, so I'll catch you later.